
Best Products for Acne Scars

products for acne scars

Suffering with acne scarring may be super challenging, from dealing with uneven texture to finding the best coverage. Luckily, we’re here to help you discover the best products for acne scars!

Although there is no secret ingredient or magic formula to make scars totally disappear, we can guide you to find the right ingredients to significantly diminish discolouration and texture, helping you to achieve healthy, glowing skin!

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What Causes Acne Scars?

To all the pimple pickers out there, stop! We’re not here to judge, we’ve all been there!

When picking blemishes, it causes injury to the skin and creates excess oil production, bacteria and inflammation. This causes the pigment producing cells to become overactive leaving behind dark spots and acne scars.

What Are the Types of Acne Scars?

When it comes to acne scars, there are several different types. Once you know what type of acne scarring is affecting you, you can choose the best products to treat your skin.

  • Hyperpigmentation is the most common type of scarring and luckily it’s non-permanent. It tends to be more common in darker skin tones. For fair skin tones, hyperpigmentation often leaves pink or red spots on the surface both of which heal on their own after several weeks.
  • Depressed scars, also known as atrophic scars, sit below the surrounding skin and are formed when not enough collagen is produced while the wound is healing. There are three specific types of atrophic scarring; ice pick, boxcar, and rolling scars.
  • Hypertrophic, also known as keloidal scars, are raised scars above the skin and commonly occur on the chest and back.

Best Products for Acne Scars

Now, what you’ve been waiting for! It’s time to discover what ingredients work best for your scars, giving your skin the glow-up you’ve been dreaming of!

Expert Tip: Ensure that all active breakouts have cleared before you begin acne scar treatment and always avoid picking and popping those nasty blemishes.

1. Niacinamide

Niacinamide (or Vitamin B3) is a water-soluble vitamin that’s suitable for all skin types and ages. It helps to reduce breakouts, minimise enlarged pores, and calm hyperpigmentation and redness. Additionally, it’s a great addition to your skincare routine helping to balance oily skin and improve the skins barrier.

These benefits make Niacinamide the perfect acne scar treatment!

How to use: Shake well before using Niacinamide products. Apply a few small drops to clean, dry skin. For the best results, apply morning and evening.

2. Retinol

Retinol is one of the best products for acne scars and is an excellent addition to your skincare routine.

Retinol is a derivative of Vitamin A, making it is perfect for reducing discolouration and helping scars become less noticeable by boosting collagen and elastin production.

However, it can make the skin extremely sensitive to the sun, which means you must protect your skin with SPF. No excuses!

Retinol is an effective acne scar treatment for atrophic scars.

How to use: As an addition to your evening skincare routine, apply a few drops of Retinol serum onto cleansed and toned skin. Gently massage into skin before completing the final stages of your pm regime.

3. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a brightening agent and antioxidant, neutralising free radicals which can damage cells over time.

As an acne scar treatment, it’s perfect for building collagen and helping to resurface the skin to protect, heal and produce new skin cells for glowing and even tone.

Vitamin C is perfect for all acne scars and is an essential supplement, whether it be through diet changes or a new addition to your skincare regime.

How to use: Vitamin C is a super easy addition and can be applied once or twice a day. Due to its protecting properties, we recommend applying a few drops to your face every morning to defend your skin throughout the day.

4. AHAs

Alpha-hydroxy acids (or AHAs to you and me) are derived from sugar cane and often found in most acne busting products.

AHAs help to remove dead skin cells and prevent clogged pores to reduce the appearance of scars. The acid exfoliates the outer layer of skin to remove discolouration and rough skin.

AHAs are super effective and suitable for all types of acne scar.

How to use: Apply to a clean face and avoid use on wet skin. Apply evenly across face and neck and leave for a maximum of 10 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water.

5. Salicylic Acid

Salicylic Acid is an ingredient many acne sufferers will be familiar with.

It helps to clear pores, reduce swelling and redness, as well as exfoliate the skin, making it one of the best treatments for all types of acne scars.

While it’s easy to incorporate into your routine, we recommend that it is used less frequently for those with sensitive skin as it can cause dryness and irritation.

How to use: Apply a thin layer to a clean and cleansed face. This product can be used daily and sits seamlessly under foundation, working to transform your skin throughout the day.

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Recommendations for Acne Scars

Here are a few extra acne scar busting tips to make sure your skincare dreams can come true!

Consistency is Key

Maintaining consistency is important in order to see the results from your acne scar treatment. Following a daily skincare routine will help reduce acne scars and prevent new breakouts from occurring.

A recommended acne scar skincare routine is:

Here are a few of our products to help get you started with your new skincare regime…

SPF Always

It’s essential to wear SPF in order to protect your skin. Sun exposure will make pigmentation worse so wearing SPF daily is one of the quickest ways to help fade acne scars.

It’s especially important to remember SPF when using chemical peels and acid treatments to reduce acne scars. These treatments can leave a new upper layer of skin exposed meaning the skin will be more sensitive to sun damage.

Love the Skin You Are In

At REVOLUTION SKINCARE, we’re here to give you the tips and tricks you need to keep a glowing confidence in your skin.

Using our recommendations and the best products for acne scar treatment, you can reduce acne scarring and embrace your skin’s glow!

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Revolution Beauty

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